Happy holidays! As the joy of Christmas spirit is in the air I want to talk about giving back during this joyful month. It is not about donating money, but donating your time and being able to give back when you have been blessed with so much…..
Read MoreHow do you see the world? Do you view the world as working against you constantly? Do you look at each day as a new opportunity? How do you see the situations and opportunities that are presented in front and around you daily? Read more to start seeing how the world is manifesting in your favor…..
Read MoreWe like to surround ourselves with people that make us feel superior. Yet, it is a trap as you stop trying to grow into the best version of yourself. As great as it feels to be the best in your workplace and where you are at with your company etc. being the best in your area leads to stagnation and doesn’t push you to continue to evolve and grow into the ever-changing version of yourself. Read more to find out how your comfort zone can be holding you back from becoming who you are meant to be…..
Read MoreAs this year starts to come to a close you probably find yourself looking back at the goals you set out to accomplish in 2022 and whether you checked them off or not. We tend to see that it is too late to accomplish goals we have not reached yet. However, you can still set yourself up to check off those goals in the next month and a half. Consistency is the key to knocking off your goals and leads to motivation. Read more to regain the motivation to become the best version of yourself…….
Read MoreHere to share 3 simple tips to add to your morning routine. Start to make your morning more enjoyable to set you up for more productivity, increased gratitude, and a happier mood for the remainder of the day….
Read MoreAre you losing the beauty of the now by stressing if life goes “perfectly?” Are you so caught up in categorizing life being good or bad based on if it meets your expectations? Read more, to start to re-evaluate how you think about your life and the experiences that play out….
Read MoreDo you feel that you live in abundance or lack? You might feel that you live in abundance, but your own inner thoughts and beliefs might be leading you astray. Read more to find out how to live a more abundant life…..
Read MoreDo you tell yourself that you can’t accomplish things? Do you procrastinate at doing things and spend more time thinking about them than it would take going ahead and getting them done? Read more to find out how to psychologically start to think more positively about getting things done and feeling more accomplished….
Read MoreSo, the question is how do you make sure you are not able to say these words yourself down the road? Read more to learn how to take the initiative to start taking the steps necessary to live the life you always desired!
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