3 Tips for Your Morning Routine
Welcome back, before we dig deep into this topic I just want to say thanks for your continued support of my blog. It really means a lot! Morning routines…..do you have one? Maybe yes or maybe no. I feel we more than often usually just wake up and stumble through the things we need to get done without even thinking twice. Yet, your morning routine is setting the path and mood for the rest of your day.
If you have a rough morning you more than likely feel stressed, anxious, and annoyed throughout the day. Whereas if you had a nice easy flowing morning you go about your day with a more positive mindset, mood, and cheer.
So how do you make some simple changes to make your day better?
Now I know you are thinking: “BB I do not have a lot of extra time in the morning to enjoy myself.” Trust me I get it. We all value our sleep and have lots of responsibilities to attend to whether for our careers, children, or just adulthood responsibilities. However, that does not mean that you can’t make some small simple changes that will alter your overall mood, happiness, and gratitude for the days to come. So let’s begin, shall we….
1. No Social Media
What do you do when you immediately open your eyes? If you are like me in the past due to routine I instantly go to check my phone. I not only check the time, but my immediate reaction is to open my social apps. I want to see if I got any new likes or comments on social, gained any new followers on TikTok, and if anything big happened while I was sleeping. Yet, I can’t even appreciate that I just opened my eyes another day and am able to breathe this morning while some people did not wake up today. In Judaism, there is a prayer that you say each morning when you wake up. If you are nonreligious saying a prayer immediately upon opening your eyes might sound kind of extreme. However, waking up today really is a blessing.
We are all blessed with small blessings all around us that we tend to overlook because they just seem a given. Until one day the things that seem normal to have are sometimes taken away. Like when you break a bone and are unable to use your body normally you then only appreciate the beauty of the body and the mobility that you normally have. The same goes for when you are sick or have a health scare you then finally realize how big of a blessing being healthy is to oneself.
So, why are we waking up and immediately flooding our morning with posts, comments, and life news of other people and the world around us?
You are setting yourself up to be emotionally drained whether it be from jealousy that someone is away on vacation while you are at work, someone else’s body makes you feel insecure, or your friend just got married from high school.
You cannot live a life that you truly appreciate with all the blessings that you currently have in your life because you always want what someone else has on social media.
So nixing social media in the morning will help you feel more positive about yourself, be able to focus on how you feel this morning, and be able to take on the day focusing on yourself and not what Suzy on Instagram is doing today.
2. Journal Your Intentions
I know I know: “BB I do not have time to journal.” Listen I am not saying wake up 30 minutes earlier and sit and write down every thought that flows into your mind. We all value our sleep, I get it. However, think about your day.
What do you want to accomplish today? What are the goals that you wish to achieve?
If you don’t think about how you want your day to play out you are free-flowing. You can’t appreciate the hard work you put in because you did not have any goals to do so. You can’t appreciate the train running smoothly because you did not think twice about it. So in the morning write on a notepad or even on your phone notes (even though I find physically writing is much more effective and concrete.) Write down your intentions for the day. This can be 3 short sentences and take a total of 30 seconds. Trust me you have 30 seconds especially when you are saving yourself all the time you waste on social media in the morning while scrolling from bed.
This can go as follows: “I intend on having a productive day at work today. I intend on meeting my two deadlines that are due next week. I intend on having a healthy dinner, a nice workout, and feeling accomplished at the end of the day.” Now, how hard was that?
When you sit back down at the end of the day back into your bed you will be able to feel accomplished knowing that you achieved what you set out to do.
You are not only helping yourself be more organized, but you are setting some goals for yourself and holding yourself accountable. We all have thoughts in our heads, but writing them down puts a new sense of reality and concreteness to them.
3. Say to Yourself 10 Things that You are Grateful For
Whether you take the train to work, walk to work, or work from home. Find a few moments to think about what you are grateful for today. These don’t have to be monetary or even objects. These can be “I am happy I woke up today. I am grateful that I am able to eat and buy healthy food for myself.”
We all have things to be grateful for no matter what our situations are in life at the current moment.
When you show gratitude for what you have you not only feel more happy and positive, but you will feel better about your current position in life. We all are blessed with so many things that we don’t even acknowledge. So appreciate the little things.
Someone is wishing and praying for what you have today.
I hope you can implement some of these if not all of these simple tricks into your morning routine. We can’t always choose how our morning plays out, but we can try to make it more enjoyable and positive in little ways.
As always, thanks for reading and I hope you have a great rest of the week ahead!
BB Jean