BB Jean

Babe without the vowels is BB. Life to me is beautiful. We don't take enough time each day to appreciate everything around us and what WE have. Life for me is not just one simple thing, one simple answer, it is a concoction of what we make it. Life should be diverse. We should live unfrightened. Unfrightened of failure, living a little dangerously, and most importantly being who you truly are. I was raised in the back country. Life is very different there compared to my life now in cities all over. As much as you travel, as much as you see, your roots will always still be there. TODAY I am who I am thanks to my family, close friends, and my own dedication. Along with being a part time student, I am a full time model. It is truly crazy where life can lead you. If you asked me 3 years ago where I would be today, I would tell you "in college modeling on the side." Well come to find out, that modeling on the side is nearly impossible. Middle of my senior year I took off on my first own adventure to Asia at the young age of 17. I had never left my little town (I sometimes refer to it as a village) before. I had absolutely no idea what to expect. After 24 hours on a flight and trying to figure out the pay phone with foreign coins in Singapore, I was onto my first modeling adventure. Who knew from then on there would be many more, and hopefully even more to come. ;) I have always loved writing. So why not write and share it with others.  Are you sure you know the real BB Jean!?

Now let's make this happen.


-BB Jean 


Love to Live


Be Happy, Be You


