Getting Out of Your Comfort Zone -Growth and Transformation

Welcome back, thanks for tuning in once again! I want to quickly thank you for reading my blog and supporting my writing journeys. Now, let’s get right into it…..

Today I want to talk about growth. It is funny how life works and we like to feel superior. Let’s say you are working for a small company, but you are the best employee there. You know it, your boss knows it, and you feel powerful in your position. Yet, you know that you will not put in extra work in because you already are the best. You don’t have any desire to continue your education on learning new skills because you are at the top. You are happy and comfortable being above everyone else. As amazing as this sounds and feels, are you going to grow into a smarter, harder-working, and better version of yourself? Ok, I will let you answer that one….

Now let’s move on to another example. I was recently thinking about the modeling markets I went to when I first started modeling. I was working in Singapore, to begin with, and I thought about how well I would probably do there today being so much more confident, in much better shape, and with much more experience under my modeling career belt. Thinking about being able to go and dominate a market seemed so exciting. Yet, I needed to re-evaluate my thoughts.

What did I wish to gain by going back?

As cool as it would be to be marketed as an NYC model I know this trip would not grow my career. I went to this city in the beginning for a reason. To learn how to pose, how to model, how to travel, and how to make connections. The person I am today versus the person I was on that trip has completely evolved. Now living in NYC and working in other major modeling markets the reality is the markets are fierce. You are competing against anyone who has ever made it in this business. The best of the best. Now enough about me, the reality is.

We often get discouraged by what we want to achieve and how it is not happening as fast as we want it when we are in a workplace that is on the same level.

We feel we just can’t win at times. Yet, the competition is making you alert, making you grow, making you better at your job, and helping you become the best version of yourself.

Sometimes we want to succumb to an easier environment to feel superior.

Yet, are we just trying to give up on working hard and seeking validation? Putting in the time, effort, discipline, and competing on your own level leaves room for growth. It’s like in a relationship. Life is a journey as we are accomplishing new things personally, changing what we are, what we value, and who we aspire to become. If you don’t support your partner as they grow and grow together then you both will eventually grow apart.

The beautiful thing about life is evolving.

Growing from a caterpillar into that beautiful butterfly. If becoming the best in your field was easy then everyone would have already done it. People aspire to work for big companies, brands, clients, etc. because it ups their experience. It increases their knowledge. It guides them into the newest and best version of themselves. So don’t succumb to the easiness and stagnation.

Push yourself, compete against people on the same level as you, and surround yourself with people who can only bring you up.

Don’t let your ego and fear make you a smaller person. Grow into the occasion, into the opportunities, and into yourself.

You got this! Growth is scary but it is always worth it in the end. Have a great rest of the week!


BB Jean

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