
Hi everyone and happy Wednesday! Today I want to talk about obstacles. Yesterday was a day filled with obstacles for me. I like to believe that moments and things happen in our life for a reason. So my reasoning behind these obstacles occuring to me was to write about them in today’s blog post.

Oh obstacles, why can’t we live without you? The reality is that life always has its ups and downs. No matter how much you plan and prepare for moments in your life unexpected obstacles will always appear.

So the question is how do we deal with these obstacles to the best of our ability?

The first way is to try to put our emotions aside. A lot of obstacles that come up in our lives we make up in our heads to seem bigger than they are. However, if someone from an outside perspective was told your situation they typically would more than likely feel like it was a small issue compared to the world of problems and issues surrounding us and the world on a daily basis.

Our emotions cloud our judgments and make us overreact in many situations.

So how do we put our emotions aside you may ask? When the situation has presented itself look at it from an outside perspective. Take a deep breath and don’t dwell on how you are unlucky, the world is conspiring against you, or whatever pity talk you might start to make for yourself. Instead of feeling the pity go straight into the action. How do you fix this obstacle? How do you get past the obstacle?

I feel that we view obstacles as thorns in the roses. However, what if obstacles are there to make us appreciate when everything is going right?

We get so jaded and caught up in our normal routines in our lives that we actually forget to be grateful for how often the universe conspires to make everything flow smoothly for our benefit. Let’s say you are on your way to work and you hit every green light or you are living in a big city and your train arrives immediately upon arriving at the platform. Do we appreciate when these magical moments happen to us? Or do we just expect them to fall into order at all times for us with no gratitude?

Being grateful for all the smooth moments in our life will lead to you becoming more grateful for life in general.

So let’s recap. The key is to not let emotions get the best of you, but to look at the obstacle from an action and fix standpoint rather than falling into the gutter of pity, and appreciating all the moments that do run smoothly.

So, now you are probably wondering. So BB, why do obstacles have to happen to us? Well, I wish I could answer that for you, but life has a way of working in its own process, routine, and rhythms.

The most we can do is appreciate all that we have. When obstacles present themselves get down to fixing them with no procrastination.

Life is beautiful and if you look at the obstacles in comparison to your life as a whole they are hopefully only a tiny percentage of your life. So let’s appreciate the now. Let’s not anticipate or get anxious about future obstacles, but while life is going smooth let’s live in a moment of gratitude.

Now go appreciate those little things life conspires in your favor every day.


BB Jean

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