
Can you believe it is already almost May? I feel like this new year just started, yet so much has happened around the world in these past few months. Time is funny like that it flies when you look back and at the moment it can feel like it is at a standstill. Today I want to talk about rejection. I feel like rejection is not talked about enough. We talk about our dreams, aspirations, our failures, and our hard moments. Yet, somehow we mask talking about rejection whether you shrug it off, internalize it, or let it continue to motivate you.

We all are wired in different ways and we all handle these emotions that occur through rejection in different ways.

The tricky thing about rejection is that no one can fully plan on how to combat it because each time we are rejected it has different variables, people, and moments involved. When I was younger rejection scared me to no end. Even today the fear of rejection can make me hold out on doing things that I wish to accomplish and try.

We can get so caught up in the feeling of failing before we have even taken the step to even have the chance to fail.

The beautiful thing about rejection is it makes you stronger, it shows you put in the effort,  and most importantly it shows you tried. A quote by Sylvia Plath says “I love my rejection slips. They show me I try.” I was listening to a podcast the other day and it mentioned that nearly 90% of the scenarios we make up in our head don’t even come to see the light of day. So why are we so scared of rejection slips? Why are we afraid to be told no?

Why are we letting rejection get the best of us and push us down when it should be pushing us to try harder?

It recently has been hitting me that the people that I work for and the organizations that I am a part of wouldn’t even exist if they hadn’t taken a chance and faced the odds against rejection. Imagine if Georgio Armani and Stacy the CEO of Alice and Olivia had given up when the first person told them no. When the first person told them their business would never work, their clothes weren’t good enough, and that they couldn’t accomplish all they ever desired and more they continued to persevere. Today we would be here without two amazing brands that blanket the billboards, Saks windows, and celebrities all over the world.

Sometimes rejection happens to close one door to open an even better door.

We have to trust in the universe (G-d or whatever you believe in) that there is a path that is being paved for us and everything works out at the right time even if it doesn’t seem that way right now. So all in all, it’s better to have the rejection slips as Plath said. It shows you tried and got out of your shell to achieve what you wanted to.

So don’t let the fear of rejection and rejection itself get the best of you.

Let rejection guide you into new ways and paths to allow you to achieve what you wish to desire.

Without chancing rejection you can never get to success.

Now, go face your fears and get rejected! You got this!


BB Jean

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