Hi everyone! Thanks for tuning in this week. Today I want to talk about rainbows. Yes, rainbows. Rainbows to me are one of the most surreal views to witness.

Now I want to apply rainbows to all the good things that life has to offer.

Life is complicated these days as there is so much overstimulation whether it be social media, news, knowledge, or even just what is going around us. Life is full of roller coasters as we often talk about and sometimes we get into a rut. It happens, you can’t seem to catch a break, nothing is going your way, one thing is happening after another that is not in your favor. 

The question is how do you implement optimism in order to change your viewpoint to see what is going in your favor and have your luck switch around for you? 

 I already hear you saying it BB stop living in your daydreams, but hear me out for a moment. Let’s use NYC as an example. NYC is known to be one of the most amazing cities in the world. Yet, when NYC has become your home or you go there regularly you usually get so caught up in running around trying to do everything you want and/or need to, trying to make money, and well just being busy.

If you look at the sidewalk of NYC what do you see? Well if you haven’t been before let me tell you. You will see lots of garbage, probably some dog shit on the sidewalk, potholes, and if you are lucky a really huge rat that looks like it should be a squirrel. The city seems atrocious if you just look down at all that is there at the base.

However, if you look up what do you see?

You will see some of the most amazing architecture that has ever been created, birds flying in the sky, and at the right time of the day amazing sunsets. Living in the bustle and hustle of NYC makes you forget where you live. It makes you forget how good you actually have it and how blessed you are to be living in a place that so many people wish to go to.

Now let’s apply this to your life.

Let’s say you are having the worst day. You overslept your alarm, you got stuck in traffic on the way to work, you did not have time to pack your lunch and you're trying to maintain a strict diet. Then to top it off your boss seems to have it out for everyone and you are so mentally exhausted at the end of the day you literally want to go home crawl into a ball and cry. Trust me we all have been there in one aspect or another.

Now the question is, did you appreciate that your co-worker invited you to lunch, that you got a paycheck at work, or that your boyfriend sent you a really sweet text?

The answer is probably not. The point is the more that you look down and see all the things going wrong, the less you are able to see all the little things that are working in your favor.

Now, if you are able to change your mindset to be grateful for the things going right in your life I guarantee you you will realize that things are also working in your favor.

It is all about perception. Life sadly can’t always be perfect. However, we can make it be better by tilting our heads to the sky and seeing the rainbow glistening above us.

Now, go look for the rainbow!

You got this!


BB Jean

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