Normalizing Non-Perfect Relationships
Hi everyone! This week I want to talk about a topic I have not touched base on before on this blog. Relationships…..we are have had one or probably many throughout our lives.
In the world we live in today I feel it is hard for people to feel fully happy or complete in a relationship.
I would like to believe this is mainly because of the tilted perception that people put on social media and through Hollywood that makes everything always seem perfect.
Trust me I am not hating on the perfect fairy tale movies where people fall in love and the movie ends right after with sappy music and subtitles. I love them just as much as everyone else.
However, most of these movies cease to show life after that follows this moment of intense realization that the person is the perfect one for them.
The reality of the matter is that no relationship is always perfect at every moment of its life span. Relationships are a series of roller coasters of changing emotions, changing people, compromises, deep emotions, and sometimes negative emotions as well.
We long to have the perfect relationship that we see on Instagram, Tik-Tok, and in the movies.
However, I promise you that these perfect relationships are not always great. I am not saying their relationships are not happy and people do not have amazing relationships.
However, two people making a life together always will entail some sorts of struggles, fights, and compromises.
The reality is that these “perfect relationships” are what sell. We love to see love happening, beautiful people together, and practically lust after being these people in their relationships. However, we do not realize how they are not perfect until people end up surprisingly getting divorces or hating each other all of the sudden for the rest of their lives.
So, as you get into that new relationship, or you are sitting dwelling on your relationship and asking yourself if it is perfect enough for society. Remember that no relationship is ever perfect!!
Relationships get deeper and more serious from struggles, those hard talks, letting down our boundaries, and from trusting each other in ways we never knew we could trust others.
Relationships are scary. However, the possibility of what you can gain from a loving relationship and partner is worth putting our hearts on the line. Remember to never forget your values and self-worth.
We have to compromise at times, but remember to not lose yourself in the process.
If you are in a relationship I wish you all the best and for love to continue to last for an eternity. If you are searching for that right partner, I wish you good luck, and remember that your person is out there.
Do not give up, because those feelings of love are worth continuing to search for.
Do not let your fears keep you from searching for love. Opening your heart and making yourself vulnerable can lead to some of the best moments of your life.
BB Jean