Lusting Over Other People's Lives

Oh, lust, the ultimate deception of all deceptions. We all experience lust at some point in our life one way or another. If you think about lust you probably immediately think about lusting in a relationship. However, today I want to talk about lusting after people’s lives.

The world is filled with so many people with different backgrounds, personal histories, struggles, and memories. We all have our own perceptions of the world, our experiences, and our viewpoints on things in this world. I have talked about social media and the perceptions we get from other people’s lives even though the reality might be completely different from the perception they portray to us viewers.

Many people look at other people’s lives and wish that their reality could be theirs.

However, sometimes we forget that those exact people you are lusting over could be lusting over your own life. The reality of the matter is we do not know what is going on in someone else’s life because we are not in their shoes.

The person that looks to have the perfect life filled with expensive luxurious things could long to only have real love like you do. The person that has the perfect relationship could just lust to have all the wealth in the world.

Before you spend all your time and emotions wanting to be someone else, look at all that you have before you and all that you can be grateful for.

Life is tricky in the sense where we will have so many amazing things happen in our life. However, they don’t always all happen at the same time. Why are we wasting our time just wanting more and more, when these could be the best moments and parts of our life right now?

I can’t emphasize this enough, that the more time you focus lusting on someone else’s life the more moments you lose enjoying your precious life.

Don’t lose yourself lusting over something deceptive, focus on you, this moment, and enjoying your life to the fullest! You were made to be unique and special and to have your own memories, experiences, and life. So don’t lose this time, live in it, soak it up, and be grateful for all that you have!!

Now, put your phone down. Stop wanting someone else’s life.

You are blessed in so many ways, sometimes we just have to shift our perception and viewpoint to see our life and blessings from a different angle.

NO ONE and I repeat no one’s life is perfect.

Now go do you! Much love!


BB Jean

Bri B