Social Media Addicted

Hi everyone! Sorry for the weeks of absence. I got really busy with work and then I was traveling. However, here we are back again at it. I am sure you all noticed the social media outage yesterday.

I mean we are all obsessed with social media on different levels and extremes.

I feel that yesterday gave us a glimpse of what it would be like without Instagram, Facebook, and all these social media traps. Everyone was mildly panicking over whether it was going to come back on and when with people checking every few minutes.

I think what we forget to remember as a society is that even though we think we control our social media usage and addictions, social media really controls us.

Social media controls not only our time usage but our emotions as well. Think about the amount of time that we spend scrolling through these social media platforms. Sure they might bring us laughs, excitement, new connections, and maybe even new tricks and hacks to apply.

However, are they really benefitting our lives the same amount that they are taking from us?

We lose valuable hours of our day every single day scrolling through these accounts. Now, I know it is ironic that I, the one that markets myself on social media, am talking against it. However, I am not saying that you can’t use social media and you can’t enjoy it. However, it is time we take over our lives and our social media usage rather than it taking over us. We always find ourselves, myself included, saying we don’t have enough time in the day, week, or year to accomplish one of our goals or aspirations in life.

If we cut down our social media usage would we be able to put more time into accomplishing something you have longed for a while or to achieve a goal you have dreamed of obtaining?

Yesterday was a good test for all of us to realize just how addicted social media has made us. Think about the times before social media. What did you do with your time? Did you socialize more? Did you go outside more? Did you spend more time doing something you loved or focusing on your career?

Do not let social media take away the precious hours of your life and keep you from obtaining all that you wish to achieve.

So my challenge to you today is before you get trapped in the social media time trap, set some limits for your usage and set some goals for things you can accomplish with that time. Start in little increments and then grow from there. Cutting social media all at once will not work. I started months ago taking off Friday night into Saturday night completely from social media. Even subconsciously I still find myself opening the app without even thinking twice of it, and I immediately close it. Social media has become such a big part of our lives that we don’t even think twice about how much time these apps take from us.

So this upcoming week see how much time you spend on these apps and see if you could accomplish more things you want and need to do by eliminating some of this time. It might be hard now, but you will thank me later.

Have a great week everyone, be back next week!


BB Jean

Bri BComment