Looking Back On Your Day
Hi Everyone! I hope you all are having a great week! This week I want to talk about, well exactly what the title says, looking back on your day. We all wake up more than likely with an idea of what we wish to accomplish.
However, many of you go to bed thinking that you did not accomplish much even though you did everything you needed and/or wished to do today.
Life is funny as it works in a way where you can have a crazy productive day, yet there is one little issue we fixate on that occurs maybe it is your kid got into trouble, customer service was annoying, or you dealt with horrible people at work.
We tend to look at this one event and let it influence our perception of our whole day.
However, you more than likely had a really productive day! The reality of the matter is life is well… life and we can’t plan that everything is going to go smoothly and accordingly.
Realistically, some things are harder or more frustrating to accomplish than we originally planned and/or wanted them to be.
I recently came across this little notepad in a store. It let you rate your day based on different factors including productivity, feelings and vibes, people interacted with, effort given, quality of food consumed, and goals and achievements. The last part of the notepad lets you include the best and worst parts of your day and if you would recommend today to a friend. I instantly fell in love with this notepad idea as even though so simple it lets you reflect on your day and see really how much you accomplished, how today made you feel, how you took care of yourself, and overall the rating of your day.
Sometimes it takes you looking back to see all you did to realize you had an amazing day.
We all fall guilty at times for letting our emotions control our thoughts and they blindside us on all that we are achieving. Also, analyzing your day lets you be real with yourself and analyze if something is taking too much of your energy throughout the day. Then ultimately you can re-evaluate either your interaction or plan of action with that task or person and find a solution to make you feel better for the day to come.
I guarantee you are accomplishing a lot more than you feel like you are.
Stop being so hard on yourself and don’t forget to look back on your day tonight and be grateful for all you did accomplish! Showing gratitude to yourself is one of the major parts of self-love. As a result, tomorrow you will wake up feeling proud of the day before and ready to kick ass in the day to come. Now, not every day can be a winner. However, each day we can thrive to make it better than the day before. I challenge you to answer the questions below in your notepad each day, and I promise you it will give you a new perception of your day overall.
Now show some gratitude for all that you have accomplished and keep setting new goals. You got this!
BB Jean