I have a question for you. It may seem easy to answer, but the answer isn't allowed to be "yes" or "no". Are you ready for the question, ok here goes......Have you seen yourself develop over the years and even changing day by day into something bigger and better each and every day?

Don't answer yet........really think about it!

Development is a process during life. We develop from a baby to a toddler, to a pre-teen, to a teenager, an adult, and then on and on. However though, self devlopment I feel gets the shadow a lot of the times in life. Self Development is seeing how you have grown yourself not just physically but mentally. What bothered you yesterday that doesn't bother you today. Who could take control over you yesterday, that can't today. Who have you became today, that you weren't yesterday. Development in this perspection is a very beautiful thing. Do we necessarily always develop for the good, maybe not. But we are humans right? So, we have room for mistakes but even after those mistakes you will still learn and develop from it. 

This has been on my mind a lot recently as I started in this business 3 years ago in a completely different mindset than I am at today, BESIDES the morals that I had grown up and developed with. Life can be tricky. What am I saying, life is tricky. Coming into the fashion business was a very big transition. Just like any job can be. I let people control my emotions about what they said to me, what they thought about me, and even their actions towards me. I let people control my emotions so much, that I would say at times I even lost myself trying to please everyone else that I forgot that I need to please myself. There will always be people whether in your profession or life that try to take the uperhand of you by telling you that you aren't good enough at this, maybe you don't work hard enough, your personality isn't right,  you are not nice enough, on and on and on. May some of these be true, very possibly. But there is a line between someone trying to help you and you taking it as something to grow on, and another line as someone trying to put you down in order to make you feel less about yourself and to succumb into their arms of control. This will happen in any business. It is sadly part of life.

The truth is people will always be like this, but the thing that can change is how you perceive criticism and how to grow and DEVELOP through it. You aren't anyone's slave, you are in control of your own life. So DO NOT let little people put you into a spiral of self doubt. Three years ago, someone could tell me your hair is too this, your runway walk is not good enough, you don't fit this job well enough. I let EVERY ONE of these little comments get to my heart SOO much that I would feel not only self pity for myself, but I would dwell on them. It would really hurt my growing confidence. When in reality, and please REMEMBER THESE WORDS. Everyone is not going to find you perfect. People will always find faults about you in order to sometimes make themselves feel better about themselves, or who knows why people can be so mean. But the point is, you can't let everything people say to you get to you. You have to choose what to let into your mind and who to let into your heart. On instagram, for example, if I let every little message I ever get affect what I think about myself, Lord knows I would be a disaster. I look back to 3 years ago, I look back to last year, and I even look back to yesterday and I see that I am evolving each and every day. Now, by not letting people get to you does not mean don't listen to anyone that ever tells you anything to fix on or change. But choose who to let help fix you. You are the driver of your own life.

I am not perfect today, and I will not be perfect tomorrow, but each day I am perfecting myself to become more and more proud of myself. Feeling proud and good about yourself is the key, if we let others take charge that is when everything starts to unravel.   The overall point of this post, is be confident in who you are. If you aren't where you want to be then push harder and believe in yourself more. You are evolving each day, and you are capable of anything you put your mind to. Be so sure about yourself that when these little people try to get into your head and heart, they aren't even able to pull on the strings. This isn't a puppeteer act, you are the puppet in control of your own life. So keep growing, keep becoming stronger, and appreciate each step you make towards becoming what you dream of being.


Self-pity and self doubt puts you a step back towards becoming what you want to become. See the potential you have, take helpful comments and criticism and make them a reality, don't feel sorry for yourself. No one has time for someone who just dwells on what isn't right. Today is a new day, MAKE SOMETHING OUT OF IT. 



BB Jean 


Bri BComment