Is Abundance a Curse?

Hi everyone! I know I know the title sounds cliché. However, ask yourself the question. Is abundance a curse? All we usually desire, wish, and pray for is usually to be financially sound, not have to worry about how to live the life we wish, and be able to buy well anything we want.

However, are the most appreciated stages of our lives when we have nothing compared to everything?

Let’s relate this to the things we have been able to buy and the things we have received. Think back to when you were a kid or younger and you were able to buy the first really nice thing you always wanted. This could have been maybe something technology-wise, designer brands, or maybe a vacation. You probably saved for it for a long time, got so excited to finally be able to financially obtain it, and dreamed about it finally being yours. Now, think today where you are you more than likely have bought more things in your life such as this where the buyer negligence let’s call it kicks in. 

Items you are buying today just seem to be another object. It excites you, but it wears off much faster than the adrenaline drive that you got originally putting down that cash or your card did.

My first real purchase was when I was about fourteen years old. I really really wanted a Nintendo DS. I begged my mom forever for one and she told me that I would have to buy it myself. I saved all my money for months and finally I was able to go buy my pink little Nintendo DS.

This feeling of “I did it” was something that does not exist today in the same capacity. 

As we are able to buy more and bigger things than we could before, yes it is a blessing! However, it holds less significance in our lives. Now, I am not against wealth, success, or big financial dreams by any means. I wish prosperity for everyone and I believe success and wealth is one of the most amazing accomplishments to achieve.

Accumulating wealth helps you be able to give back and help the world in ways unimaginable.

However, the moral of this story is to remember to be grateful. Don’t let abundance be a curse in your life. Let abundance be a beautiful blessing in your life and not lead you to be jaded. Many people are dreaming of what you are able to obtain today! So next time you make a purchase that the past you would have only dreamed about, don’t forget to be grateful for all that you have and you have achieved!

Now go be grateful and have an amazing rest of the week!


BB Jean

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