Finding Genuine Friends
Finding friends can be easy, but the real question is how many genuine friends do you have? Can you trust them with your secrets? Would they sacrifice their time to help you? Would they be there if your whole world was falling apart? Finding genuine friends especially in NYC can be like hunting for a diamond earring in Madison Square Garden. Which if you don’t know this arena it’s BIG! Sometimes we have friends we consider to be our closest friends that are always there for our highest moments. However, when we really need them they are nowhere to be found.
We meet so many people throughout our lives, but how many do we really keep a connection with for the majority of our lifetime?
It is ok if friends come and go sometimes a door has closed and now it is open to new people to glide their way into our lives. If people are not meant to be in our lives anymore we have to accept that and move on. In a city, urban environment, and especially in the fashion business it is hard to find friends that do not have ulterior motives.
So much happens in your life as you go through different stages of your personal growth, evolving your personality, different values you are looking for, and different stages of your life cycle.
I personally have made many different friends over my lifetime thus far. Some have moved away, others I lost touch with, and some I am very close to today. I was sitting at dinner last night with a few of my friends, and we were discussing how hard it is to find real genuine friends.
It is funny because the majority of the time, the people that have become my closest friends I was not a fan of at first.
Over time though I got to get to know them and our friendship evolved. It can take YEARS and I mean years to finally find a stable group of friends that are surrounding you. I am sure you are thinking “BB I have so many friends what are you talking about?” However, I have also hundreds of those friends too.
I am talking about real friends you can sit down with for hours and talk about your deepest thoughts and even sit in silence without feeling awkward (that is the real tester!)
If you feel you have not met that person yet do not be discouraged because they always sneak into your life when you least expect them.
When you find them keep them close because they are rare to find.
Life is a beautiful journey and finding good friends is one of the beautiful parts of it. It can be frustrating at times but do not give up. These people are worth finding. I wish you luck if you have not found that person or people, but if you have hold them close.
Thanks for reading as always!
Much Love,
BB Jean