Success and What it Means to You
We are all striving for success. Now, the definition of success is different in each person’s eyes. This is why success is so cool! Everyone has different levels of dreams they wish to achieve, homes they wish to have, job titles, family goals, and amounts of money they are happy having. Some people aspire to have a family, a small house, a consistent job, and enough money to be comfortable. Others aspire to have lux houses, rich lifestyles, and drive expensive sports cars.
Success is in the eyes of the beholder.
This concept hit me a few weeks ago when some friends and I were talking about our dream jobs and the strange occurrence that occurs when you want a job so bad and then after it happens and you do it, it can just feel like another job.
It is sadly so easy to become numb to the excitement that you had leading up to an event or job, to only fall victim to repeating the motions and not appreciating that dream finally coming true.
In the fashion industry, for example, a girl who did a Sephora campaign has the dream of working for Chanel. While the girl who walked for Chanel has the dream job of doing the Sephora Campaign.
You might not see yourself as successful, but others could see you as truly successful and aspire to be like you.
This is the beauty of this world and life that there are so many opportunities and possibilities out there that you can take and build your dream life. People are happy in their lives with different things and have different wants and needs which makes us all unique and one of a kind.
So, before you get so hard on yourself for not achieving what you WANT to achieve look at all that you have achieved.
Do not forget to realize that some people only aspire and dream to have what you have already accomplished, yet it seems minimal to yourself. Success can be not only your dream job but maybe that great family that you have or a loving husband.
Success is not just monetary means, it is personal achievements and family as well.
Also, as I have talked about in previous posts. Don’t be too hard on yourself, yet still, strive to continue to achieve your dreams. However, when these big moments happen in our life that we consider successful to ourselves, make sure you are present in the moment and take in that you made this happen! The moment that all the dreaming, wishing, and praying has paid off and the dream has finally become a reality.
Now be appreciative of all that you have achieved and go be successful!
You got this!
BB Jean