Social Dilemma of Today's Society

Oh, Instagram, Tik-Tok, Twitter, Facebook and all the social media sites. You probably find yourself continuously scrolling these feeds and not even sure what you are looking for anymore. Social media has become such a big part of our life that we barely even notice that we barely control our lives anymore.

Social media controls us.

Social media as I have talked about in previous posts can be a beautiful thing filled with communities of all types of people from all over the world connecting in one place.

However, we have to ask ourselves when does social media become too much?

In today’s age, I feel people do activities just to post things on social media. So are you doing anything for yourself anymore, or is everything you do just seeking validation? Sure this sounds harsh I know, but hear me out.

When did we let our worth be established based on how many likes, comments, and views that we have on Instagram?

If these platforms were all eliminated overnight would you feel lost? Would you feel like a lost soul wandering the earth unable to find happiness with yourself for yourself?

I feel so many of us have lost the real meaning of happiness and life because we are constantly basing our value and worth based off of other people’s opinions of us.

If you keep wandering through life feeling better about yourself one day when you get 1,000 likes compared to 200 likes another day then social media is controlling your emotions and your perspective of yourself. The reality of the matter is that influencer on Instagram who you wish to be and has 5 million followers could have fewer real friends than you who has 1000 followers. That influencer could have a failing marriage while you have the love of your life right next to you. That influencer could also be unhappy with his/her life internally while you could be surrounded by so many amazing things and blessings. Social media is a twisted perception on life. People on social media highlight all the seemingly perfect parts of their lives, but so much more is happening behind the scenes.

So do not base your worth off of social media.

Enjoy these platforms and channels for what they are. Whether it is your marketing tool, the place you connect with your friends, or just a hobby. However, know that you are a lot more than a number of likes, comments, or followers.

Because life is much deeper and more beautiful than these platforms.

Don’t miss out on amazing moments in life and being truly present for them. Your friends and fans can wait, be in the moment for your own memories, experiences, and happiness!


BB Jean

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