Gaining the Excitement of Life Back

The other day I was in an Uber heading home from a long day of work and I was glancing out the window at all the buildings around me and the Brooklyn bridge gleaming to the right of me. This feeling always hits me when I see the city lights at night all magical together as I ride by them. This is the moment that jolts me back to life and makes me fall in love with the city all over again!

Life is so routinal and we all are so busy in our own lives that we forget to go back to the excitement that got us to where we are today.

Do you remember that feeling you got when you first met your boyfriend or husband? Do you remember that excitement that filled your soul when you landed in that new city or town you now call home? Do you remember the joy that you once had when you moved into your dream house or apartment that you now call home? Do you remember that feeling you got when you finally landed the job you wanted or that promotion that you had been working so hard for?

We get so overwhelmed with everything going on around us that we forget to go back to the excitement within us and the memories that were once there.

Whether your kids are driving you crazy or your boyfriend and you can’t seem to get along anymore. Take a step back and look at these moments from an outside perspective. We forget all the magic that lead us to where we are today.

So step out of the madness and look at your life from an outside view.

See all that you have and how magical it is that you can live in the city you dream of, with your husband you love so much, in your dream home, or doing the job you could have only imagined of. Go back to those beginning memories and keep them in your mind as you go forward in your life. I promise you it will make you more grateful for what you have and where you are today.

Society makes us keeping wanting bigger and better, but what you have now could be what you were dreaming of only a few years ago. Acknowledge all your progress, you deserve more credit than you give yourself.

Now go forwards with your life with that magic still within!

You got this!


BB Jean

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