Fears and Doubts

You finally bring up the confidence to imagine and dream up your next steps in your life. You start dreaming about getting that raise, that new apartment or house, you dream about making more money, or even just being happier in your life. Then all of the sudden like a cold breeze blowing on your face fear creeps in and makes you jump back into your old ways. There you go again in your stagnant position in your life.

Our fears and doubts can limit our future in so many ways.

Whether you convince yourself you aren’t in the right headspace yet, the timing is not right, we need to improve ourselves more, or you are not good enough. These words that your mind tells you are not the reality, it is just your own fears and insecurities controlling your lives.

Because the reality is: that the timing will never be perfectly right.

The key to making that change in your life is to stop making excuses and stop letting the voices in your head control your life! Take the leap and accomplish what you thought was impossible. I know you are saying in your head now “BB you make it sound so easy, but it is so much harder than that.” Trust me I know it sounds easier than it is, but when you take the leap you will be so grateful that you did. If you constantly let the words and emotions in your head dictate the outcomes of your life, you will only remain stagnant and even worse maybe regress.

Do you want to look back on your life when you are eighty sitting in a rocking chair and say wow I had an amazing life or wow I have so many regrets?

So think about what it is in your life that does not make you happy and does not make you eager to wake up the next morning. Think about what you can change to upgrade that part of your life or to cut it out altogether. We often imagine the worst-case scenarios that can happen in our lives if we make drastic changes or changes at all. The reality is that the change you make will put you one step forward into the life that you can only imagine.

So get out of your head, and start facing your fears.

Life is only as scary as we make it in our heads. So why add imaginary outcomes that lead to fear and anxiety when we can face it head-on. The longer you think about making the change and how to do it, the more reluctant you will be to making any changes at all. Just go do it and remember you control your life, not your fears or your doubts that are saying things in your head.

I want to see all the amazing things that you can accomplish in this life. So go kick some ass!


BB Jean

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