Oh, the concept of one day being the version of your perfect self. That ideal self that you long for can seem like it is so far away. You’re living your life wishing away the present moment to one day be good enough in the future. You want to accomplish certain tasks and achievements in order to feel like you can be your true authentic self.
Yet, are you wishing away your life trying to one day be good enough, when now you are already the best you can be?
I struggled with this myself. I have a love for psychology and I always felt like if I learned to communicate better, read people’s body language, and on and on I would finally be able to be myself. Yet, in the present moment, I was already the best version of myself that I could be.
Longing for the future and finally being adequate enough eliminates the beautiful present moment and energy that you are surrounded with.
I finally learned that there would never be a one and done where I would finally be adequate enough in a moment. Confidence and the present moment had to be found within yourself. Now, this is not about me, this is about you. I want you to stop waiting to be yourself. Stop worrying that if you show who you really are people will not like you.
If people do not like you for who you are you do not need them in your life.
Stop putting so much pressure on yourself that you can’t even enjoy your life. Life is about being comfortable in your mind and body where you are in the current moment of today and at peace in and with your life. Now, I am not saying do not keep dreaming big, stop manifesting what you want, or even stop educating yourself. Keep doing all these things!
However, in the process of obtaining new knowledge and taking the steps necessary to achieve your dreams be happy where you are today.
You are at the right place and moment in time that is necessary for the universe to deliver to you all that you manifest and desire. So, be yourself and be unapologetically who you are. You are amazing and the world wants to see your true authentic self!
Now go show the world who you really are!
BB Jean