Finding Your Purpose and Energy Within

Do you ever feel empty inside? Do you feel like you are a walking zombie through life? Do you feel like you are not sure what your purpose is on this planet? If you do, trust me you are not alone. I felt this way for a while too. I felt this way for actually a few years. I love my job being a model and I loved getting my degree as well. I knew these were things that I was grateful for and would contribute to my future so I kept doing them. However, I wanted a deeper purpose, something that woke me up with excitement, and something that I wanted to pursue throughout my life.

It may take you a week to find your purpose or it may take you years, and as time goes on your purpose may evolve because we are evolving human beings.

I remember I grew impatient and I longed so bad to have a feeling of a deeper meaning to life and what I was meant to do on this earth. Earlier last year, I discovered it. That purpose for me was to help others like you. I am not a professional motivational speaker, a psychologist, or a doctor by any means. However, I want to motivate others, to excite you about life, tell you that you are capable of anything you put your mind to and be a positive person in your life that makes you realize your full potential.

Now your purpose could be even to make things for others or to write books, or whatever it may be that makes your heart explode with happiness and smile upon the mere thought of it.

Finding your purpose takes self analyzation and experience.

It takes trying new things, reading books, having conversations with new people, and new environments. Finding your purpose is like searching for a needle in a vast field of sunflowers. If you have been on this search I want you to not feel discouraged if you have not found it.

Stay positive, keep your eyes open, appreciate when you realize what you do and do not like, and be open to opportunities.

Finding your purpose could be one conversation or trip away, so don’t give up I promise you it will be worth it. Remember everyone is on their own path in life, so don’t ever compare their journey to yours.


BB Jean

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