
Hi you, this week I wanted to talk about gratitude and giving thanks. We all just celebrated Thanksgiving here in America. However, as I sat down to eat dinner that day a thought popped into my head: why are we only reminded to be grateful on one day out of the year? It is like Valentine’s day for example. We all love a nice valentine date, a sexy candlelight dinner, and a nice gift to seal the deal.However, why do we only celebrate love and our significant others one day of the year?

So the real question is: why do we not show gratitude every day of the year?

Showing gratitude is more than just being grateful for big jobs and money coming into your life. Gratitude is about being grateful for the small things such as fresh air, health, waking up in the morning, and even having food to put on the table. These small things can seem like a given to have, yet so many people are struggling without.

When you program your mind to appreciate the small things, bigger and better things start to fall into place.

You do not realize how blessed you are until you see all the amazing things that happen to you each day and all that you have been given. Within the past year I took up a new hobby of having a gratitude journal. Even though some days I have a hard time making myself do the ritual of writing around ten things I am grateful for, I always feel so much more positive and happy afterwards.

So my challenge to you is start a gratitude journal! make yourself remember all that you have been blessed with, and notice the more you show appreciation the more amazing things that will start to come into your life.”


BB Jean

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