Universal Signs All Around

Hi everyone! Wow, this year has flown right by, I can barely wrap my mind around the thought that it is almost December and time for the holidays. This year has been a lot between the pandemic, being stuck in our homes, the election in the US, health fears, and every other crazy thing that 2020 has brought us. It has definitely tested our limits in more ways than one. I feel that due to everything that has been going on it has been easy to lose track. Not just track of what we want and what we desire, but we lose sight of the signs that are given to us from the universe giving us signals and opportunities to take our next steps in our lives.

I use to believe that the universe and spirituality were all hocus pocus. I would chuckle in my mind before I would believe something like the universe “guiding my path in life.” So, if this is how you feel be open to what I am about to say.

“Nothing is a Coincidence”

This year I know we all went into 2020 with some ambitious goals whether it was to travel, get that promotion, make more money, go sky diving, whatever it may be. It feels like everything has been put on the back burner and a whole year of your life has just ticked by without achieving what you had desired.

Even in these crazy times, stay focused on what you desire. Stay ambitious about your goals. When you are open and welcoming of the signs that the universe has to offer, it will make your life a little easier. When you are aligned and open to the universe, strange things will start to occur that you can’t even understand how. Let me give you a small example. The other day I was thinking about how I wanted to find a personal trainer in order to get back into my healthy workout routine. I haven’t had a trainer in years and oddly enough within five minutes, a friend of mine texted me out of the blue asking to train with her. Sometimes we don’t know how things we want are going to work out, but then they all fall in line.

We Have to Be Open to Receiving the Signs

When we allow all the voices and unsureness in our head to subside, we allow ourselves to talk to people we are meant to meet, see signs we should follow, and guide us into that next step in our lives. If our minds are clouded then we could miss these important opportunities and connections that could have resulted.

So keep your eyes open, your mind calm, and don’t frett everything will work out. All you have to do is remain persistent, determined, confident in yourself, and a fighter to not let anything stand in the way of your dreams coming true.

Now Open Your Eyes and Go Achieve Your Dreams


BB Jean

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