Unique like a Snowflake

A few weeks ago I was sitting in the nail salon and the snow was falling like crazy. I had been wanting snow for so long and there it was blanketing the city and turning it into one big snow globe. I remembered at that moment that no snowflake is ever alike.

It is crazy that God or whoever you believe in created so many magical little pieces of snow and yet there will never be two that are identical.

Then it got me thinking, we are just like snowflakes. We are all in the hustle and bustle of life just like the snowflakes running down from the sky and yet not one single person on earth is the same as the other. Sure you have siblings, and cousins, and maybe even a twin but even though you could be identical you are never the same.

So why do we try to conform ourselves to be like everyone else?

Why do we all obsess about being one certain person in this world when you are created to be your own one of a kind? You are so special and unique that you were created and put on this earth for a specific purpose and meaning. Maybe you have not found your purpose yet, or what you want to be in life, maybe you are still figuring out what you are meant to do. However, you will find it. Do not get caught up in life trying to be like your favorite singer, actress, or someone else you deeply admire.

Get caught up in life being you!

You are the only you that will ever exist. So do not waste this precious gift and opportunity to make something out of yourself. You got the biggest blessing of all, life. So go do something with it! Become someone who wakes up in the morning excited to go about their day. Continue to grow, to thrive, and most importantly embrace being you. There will never be another you, so go make a name for yourself.

Most importantly, I believe in you.


BB Jean

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