I came across this quote recently, that really made me look at my life from a different perspective. In this life we are so busy looking at others and where they are in their careers and in their lives compared to ours. We ask ourselves what do they do, that we don’t do? We start to envy others for their success only because we are jealous of not achieving the position we desire in our lives. We spend so much time worrying and hating on others, and how they are succeeding, that we lose focus on our self. We lose determination. We lose the drive that we once had because we let other people put us down and make us feel that are dreams aren’t achievable. All because we aren’t exactly where we want to be at this particular moment, second in life. We are not patient at the times when we need to be patient the most, and we aren’t pushing our hardest in the times that success is just around the corner.
So, this quote I found said that “Everyone in this world works based on THEIR OWN TIME ZONE. People around you might seem to be ahead of you, and some might seem to be behind you. But everyone is running THEIR OWN RACE, in THEIR OWN TIME.” So, run your own race.
This is your life. This isn’t someone else taking the shots in your life. Who wears your shoes… do. Who is in control of your actions… are. So, don’t let other people’s positions in life affect how you feel about yourself and about your life. This is your own path, your own story, and your own life. Do not hate on others, be happy for them. You are driving in your own direction in your own life. In the fashion business success happens for different girls at different times, and we all have different viewpoints of what SUCCESS really is. One may consider booking a Zara Campaign as success and another as picking up a major client such as Macy’s as success. Sometimes a girl starts modeling and walks Prada her first fashion week season, and for others it takes years to walk a big show or do that big campaign. There is not one path or one job that is SUCCSS. It is all in the eye of the beholder. In this business as well, girls are constantly comparing themselves to others. I am not going to lie, I have been guilty of doing this as well in the past. What does this girl have that I don’t? Why does she work more than I do? However though, what am I doing to myself constantly comparing myself to other girls? I am not these other girls, nor will I ever be. I am BB Jean, and this is my path and my life. So, the moral of this post is, do not compare yourself to others. Do not get disappointed because another person makes more money than you, has the job you want, or has more clients at this given time than you do. Keep working hard, because tomorrow is a new day. This is your life, and you are running your OWN RACE, on your OWN TIME.