Being Present and The Reality of Social Media

Hi everyone! Today I want to write about a topic that I feel everyone can relate to and especially in today’s age of social media and technology. How many hours a day do you spend on Facebook, twitter, snapchat, or Instagram? How many of those hours are you lost in another dimension, more worried about what other people are doing than enjoying yourself and your life in the present moment? 

Now, I want to let you in about a little secret about social media. All of these people that you worship on social media wanting their “perfect lives,” don’t have perfect lives. No one’s life is perfect. All of us, as humans, experience roller coaster of emotions, events in our life, and the struggles of losses, and hardships. The great thing about social media is you can sell the perfect life to people, but we tend to forget that at the other end of these social media accounts are normal people with normal life issues. No amount of money or followers can get you the perfect life. 

I want you to stop being so hard on yourself and stop worrying about what other people have that you don’t. Life is so beautiful, why don’t we get off of social media more and appreciate all the moments? Why do we spend so much time involved in the illusion of social media? How do we get back to the real world and spend time face to face with our friends, socialize at real events, and experience life experiences not just for the gram? Life is amazing, life is incredible, we need to putdown our phones and enjoy lives for ourselves. We have one life, so enjoy it to the max. 

In today’s age social media can actually bring depression upon others. There have been various studies done that show links in the connection of social media to our emotional happiness. How crazy is it that social media can affect our emotions all by a picture or video? I want to make this post short and sweet, so I will cut it to the point. Even though social media is great, use it in moderation. Don’t forget the feeling of actually socializing, meeting people, and talking in person. Don’t forget to do something for yourself (not just for the Instagram picture) and realize that everyone has their own hardships and life issues. So, appreciate this life you were given, love yourself a little more, and be happy with who you are and what you have. I promise you, that trying to be someone else and longing for this will not help you. It will only hurt you. So be strong, be yourself, and don’t forget to take a little time for yourself without your phone. 


Bri B