Who do you have to lean on? Who do you turn to when in need? Who is always there for you? Life is a roller coaster. It has its highs; and it has its lows. There are times when life will make you so happy you can't stop smiling, and other times when life makes you so sad and unsure you can't stop crying. Life is powerful, life is symbolic, and most importantly your life is in your hands. I have learned from past experiences, that people will float into your life and out of your life. Then there is this question: WHO CAN YOU ALWAYS COUNT ON?
I'm sure you have people that pop up into your mind such as maybe a family member, best friend, or boyfriend. But in reality, are these people always going to be there for you? I sure hope they will be, but who can you always fall back on.....and that would be yourself. You must be a rock for yourself. You must be strong and positive for yourself. You must become the best you can be FOR YOURSELF. If you do any of these things for someone else, then you are doing them for the wrong reason.
Have you ever heard the phrase (I am sure you have), you must love yourself before you can love someone else? This is basically the can't expect other people to be there for you, when you aren't there for yourself. You must fight to make it in this world FOR YOURSELF. You must wake up in the morning FOR YOURSELF. You must live in the moment to appreciate YOURSELF. Once you love yourself and are the rock that you need in your life......THEN you can go out and have other people be there for you. You should be there to comfort yourself in hard times and to praise yourself in the good times. If you can't do things for yourself, then how can you expect others to do things for you?
Think about this, and strive to be the best you can be for YOURSELF.